Amore Gelato has launched another outlet at Highstreet, Hiranandani, Powai. Housed under the same roof with the Rebirth Spa, Amore now also shares the same space and attitude towards health nourishment of an individual in an all-natural way. It is time you gave your body a break from all the junk food and treat it to something light and healthy. Try our array of sorbetto flavors at the rebirth outlet and maintain the coolth all day long without resorting to artificial soft drinks. If you are on a diet, our gelatos and sorbettos are not just safe, but recommended for your diet track: extremely low in fat (zero fat in sorbettos in fact), organic, all natural with no preservatives - going all natural has never been so delicious.
health nourishmentn an all-natural way and healthy, GREAT! but do your cups and spoons of your food is "healthy" and eco-friendly too? and just send a suggestion/deal to, check out! :)))